
Search Results Display (TA0077) TA0077 from Krishna Conscious Paintings
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CaptionHaridasa Thakura constructed a cottage in the forest of Benapola and, sitting in front of a tulasi plant, he would chant the holy name of the Lord 300,000 times a day. All of the neighboring people loved and worshiped Haridasa Thakur so much so that the zamindar of the district, Ramachandra Khan, became envious of him. He sent a prostitute to the cottage of Haridasa Thakur thinking that at night when Haridasa was with her, the constable would arrest him and thus his honor would be destroyed. When the prostitute came before Haridasa and expressed her desire he told her simply to wait until he had finished his chanting and then he would fulfill her desire. For two nights he chanted the whole night and told her he had not finished his vow of chanting. The third night she came earlier. She offered her obeisances, heard his chanting and also chanted, "Hari, Hari." Haridasa said, "Today it will be possible for me to finish my chanting." Then I shall satisfy all your desires." By the end of the night, the mind of the prostitute had changed. Now purified, she fell at the lotus feet of Haridasa Thakur and confessed that she was there on the order of Ramachandra Khan, trying to pollute him. Haridasa replied, "I know everything about the conspiracy of Ramachandra Khan. He is nothing but an ignorant fool. Therefore his activities do not make me feel unhappy. On the very day Ramachandra Khan was planning his intrigue against me, I would have left this place immediately, but because you came to me I stayed here for three days to deliver you." The prostitute begged him to act as her spiritual master. Haridasa told her to distribute her property to the brahmanas and then come back to that cottage and chant the Hare Krishna mantra continuously. "In this way," he said, "you will very soon get the opportunity to be sheltered at the lotus feet of Krishna." After instructing the prostitute about chanting, Haridasa Thakur left.
-Chaitanya-caritamrita, Antya-lila, Chapter 3
HeadlineHaridasa Thakura Instructs Prostitute to Chant
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