
Search Results Display (TA0728) TA0728 from Krishna Conscious Paintings
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CaptionWhen the cowherd boys told Krishna and Balarama that they were afflicted with hunger, Lord Krishna took an opportunity to bless the wives of the brahmanas and He said, "My dear friends, please go to the house of the brahmanas nearby."
So, all the boys went to the brahmanas and with folded hands, they fell down to the ground to offer their respects. They glorified the brahmanas as knowers of religious principles and asked them for some food. They also said, "Lord Vishnu as Krishna and Balarama is standing waiting, and you should immediately deliver whatever food you have in your stock." The brahmanas, however, were completely unable to understand the position of Krishna. The brahmanas would not even speak to them and the boys left that place disappointed. They returned to Krishna and explained what had happened. Lord Krishna told them not to be sorry, but to go back and ask the wives of the brahmanas for some charity.
The boys went back and told the wives of the brahmanas that Krishna and Balarama were nearby and they had come for some food. The wives of the brahmanas immediately became anxious for Krishna and Balarama. They began very busily filling pots with nice foods. They collected a feast and prepared to go to Krishna, their most lovable object. When they saw Krishna putting on a garment glittering like gold; His ears decorated with lilies; they embraced Krishna to their hearts' content. Krishna welcomed them, saying, " My dear wives of the brahmanas, you are all very fortunate and welcomed here. Please let Me know what can I do for you. Your coming here, neglecting all the restrictions and hindrances of relatives, fathers, brothers and husbands, in order to see Me, is completely befitting. One who does this actually knows his self-interest, because rendering transcendental loving service unto Me, without motive or restriction, is actually auspicious for the living entitities."
HeadlineThe Brahmanas' Wives Feed Krishna
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ArtistsDevahuti Dasi
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TA0728.jpg 86 Kb 02/02/2012

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